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Conducting research of users based in Sweden -
An NDA Project. 

VoiceHer app

VoiceHer (an NDA Project)

UX Research Intern

3 Months

Project Overview

VoiceHer was an audio chat-based platform for women to connect with like-minds. It had rooms where one could enter to discuss literally anything at any time of the day. Additionally, they organized coaching sessions online by renowned coaches across Sweden.

My responsibilities included:

  • Providing a comprehensive review of the VoiceHer mobile app (Heuristic Evaluation)

  • Taking notes & moderating the user interviews to understand their pain points

  • Conducting interviews with coaches & users to understand their needs  

  • Synthesizing interviews to create personas


To understand the needs of users and coaches who interact with the app on a daily basis


During the 3 months, I moderated 3 interviews with the UX Researcher and I, conducted 3 interviews with app users based in Sweden.

Key Findings

  • Poor navigation & intuitiveness can disrupt user interaction

  • As this app is mainly for women to audio-chat, user research showed that they expect ease of use as they are usually multi-tasking. 

My deliverables

At the end of the internship, 

  • I delivered a heuristic evaluation report

  • I delivered a coach-based persona

  • I delivered a user-based persona

Persona of a business coach on VoiceHer
Persona of a user on VoiceHer


  • Since it was my first opportunity, I thrived every day to learn the nitty-gritty of research in User Experience Design. 

  • Very early, I understood the significance of note-taking as they uncover several "golden nuggets".

  • Providing a safe environment is very important for interview participants for them to express their opinions and feelings freely.

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